Tag: Technology
The Impact of Rethinking User Experience – From Toothbrushes to Teslas
by Julia Delin on July 18, 2017 10:31 am
How will we experience the next generation of “old” products? That is, products that already exist and seem “normal” to us, in the way they are designed and in the way they solve our problem. User experience is a very wide term. It can be used when talking about what colors should be used on… Read more The Impact of Rethinking User Experience – From Toothbrushes to Teslas
The Blockchain Revolution
by Arohi Jain on July 14, 2017 1:51 am
Last week, Carl Eschenbach (Sequoia, ex-VMware) and Jeff Welser (IBM) talked about the upcoming blockchain technology and how it is slowly changing business and economy. According to Harvard Business Review, “Blockchain will do for the financial system what internet did for media” (https://hbr.org/2017/03/the-blockchain-will-do-to-banks-and-law-firms-what-the-internet-did-to-media) and so I decided to go deeper into the topic and explore… Read more The Blockchain Revolution
The Future of Data Storage: Cloud?
by Jaykishen Gokani on July 9, 2017 11:54 pm
Data storage, as we know it, is primarily in the form of tapes, flash drives, hard disk drives and solid state storage. With data storage being the fastest growing semiconductor technology, the world is doubling storage capacity every 12-18 months [1]. Data storage firms are increasingly trying to push the boundaries of physical storage, with… Read more The Future of Data Storage: Cloud?
Leveraging Centralized Data to Benefit Residents
by Jega Vigneshwaran on July 9, 2017 8:42 pm
California’s Deputy CIO, Chris Cruz, provided an illuminating account of the State of California’s efforts to modernize its IT systems and attract innovators to the public sector. One area that he discussed was the state’s efforts to reduce unnecessary waste (ex. eliminating separate servers for each state board, commission, or department by centralizing data storage… Read more Leveraging Centralized Data to Benefit Residents
Application of Open Data by the City of Los Angeles Office
by Adeesh Goel on July 7, 2017 11:35 pm
Last week, the CIO of the California Department of Technology mentioned that Open Data is one of the big technology initiatives that is facilitating the democratization data to the public for various use cases. The open data website mentions that “California believes in the power of unlocking government data. We believe the California open data… Read more Application of Open Data by the City of Los Angeles Office
The Valley Might Be in a Tech’ Bubble
by Loic Souetre on July 7, 2017 11:51 am
During his talk, Mr. Cruz briefly spoke of the flourishing ecosystem in California, especially within the Silicon Valley. He mentioned new technologies and implementations that the state of California is working on, but it seems to me that a major issue linked to that matter may impact the state: the case for a tech’ bubble.… Read more The Valley Might Be in a Tech’ Bubble
Virtualized Data Centers – A Practical Example from a Startup Perspective
by Julia Delin on July 7, 2017 11:19 am
It was only 20 years ago when the dot-com era ruled that virtualized data centers became accessible and over time started to be used by companies all around the world. As a fresh-of-the-ground-company before the dot-com era, your only option for storing, computing and manage your technical product information was by purchasing your own hardware,… Read more Virtualized Data Centers – A Practical Example from a Startup Perspective
How is Mixed Reality (MR) changing how we see the world?
by Saran Singh Sound on July 7, 2017 12:21 am
2017, so far this year we have seen an array of technologies gain steam from Artificial Intelligence (AI) to Big Data and Augmented Reality (AR), these technologies will shape the future and change the way we see the world. In this post, however, the growing trend of Mixed Reality (MR) and its effect on our… Read more How is Mixed Reality (MR) changing how we see the world?
Google Keynote Address
by Foster Langsdorf on July 6, 2017 2:32 pm
Initially, when I watched the Google IO 2017 Keynote I was blown away by its attractive presentation of upcoming products and mesmerized by the innovativeness, diversification of different product’s purpose and lastly how dominant Google was. Let me first tell you about the key announcements of these products and explain the commonalities of these different… Read more Google Keynote Address