Tag: Cisco

Fog Computing: Extending the Cloud?

by on July 14, 2017 7:32 am
In the past ten years, the usage of cloud-based systems to build applications and store data has exploded.  As Dr. Jeff Welser of IBM discussed in his presentation on 7 July 2017, the amount of computer power at the edge of the internet exceeds that of all the computers in all the world’s data centers.… Read more Fog Computing: Extending the Cloud?

Mobility and IoT (Internet of Things): CyberSecurity and Threat Prevention

by on July 4, 2017 4:14 pm
Technology Evolution As 802.11 Wi-Fi networks have become more prevalent within the industry, Mobility Applications and IoT (Internet of Things) devices are being developed and evolving at a spectacular rate bringing us closer to connected and more intelligent networks. As of 2008, “the number of things connected to the Internet surpassed the human population. The… Read more Mobility and IoT (Internet of Things): CyberSecurity and Threat Prevention