Tag: amazon
Big Data in the Cloud
by Eldon Richards on July 27, 2017 10:27 pm
So you have decided that you’re ready to implement a big data solution and you plan to do it in the cloud. How will you choose what’s best for your organization? With all of the hoopla around big data, NoSQL and the like, this blog will provide some background and a review of the options… Read more Big Data in the Cloud
Serverless computing and FaaS
by Gaurav Nakhare on July 24, 2017 2:59 pm
In Friday’s lecture was a brief mention of AWS Lambda and Serverless Computing. As a hardware engineer, I was intrigued and wanted to dig more into this, because the thought of being able to run computing workloads without hardware servers terrifies me! The executive summary of serverless computing is that it is simply an abstraction… Read more Serverless computing and FaaS
The smart home is dumb… for now
by Will Murphy on July 21, 2017 10:17 am
The smart home movement, or lack there-of, has been a source of personal frustration. Luckily a quick internet search gives me mild comfort in knowing that I am not alone. Just read Adam Clarke Estes’ experience. Estes is a blogger for Gizmodo and shared his disappointment after whole-heartedly buying into the concept of the smart… Read more The smart home is dumb… for now
Digital Home Technology through the Cloud: Enabling Paradise or Potential Prison?
by Farhan Farooqui on July 15, 2017 4:52 pm
“Alexa order my grocery list and add one bag of peanut M&Ms to it.” “Alexa, cancel my events for Tuesday and call an Uber for me in two hours.” With a few simple sentences, I had saved myself about 3 hours of work, allowing me to peacefully enjoy my breakfast as I prepared to pick… Read more Digital Home Technology through the Cloud: Enabling Paradise or Potential Prison?
Data: An expensive necessity for AI and Machine Learning
by Dean Rauschenbusch on July 14, 2017 9:53 am
AI and Machine Learning are two big buzzwords within Information Technology and StartUps. Since 2002 more then $3.8B have been raised by AI companies [10]. Nonetheless the biggest players are established companies such as Google, Facebook etc.. This might just be temporarily as they have the “benefit” of size and economics, but some argue that… Read more Data: An expensive necessity for AI and Machine Learning
Day 2 for brands – Voice
by Tuomas Lauri Antero Ylae Kauttu on July 7, 2017 11:43 am
Jeff Bezos is famous for his metaphor of “Day 1” which serves as his leadership philosophy and manifesto guiding Amazon. Day 1 is an ideal state for the company which Amazon fights to retain as “Day 2 is stasis. Followed by irrelevance. Followed by excruciating, painful decline. Followed by death.” Bezos addressed this concept in… Read more Day 2 for brands – Voice
California emulating the approach to adopt the industry trends of enterprise world
by Hira Dangol on July 6, 2017 11:21 am
The discussion from Chris Cruz, Deputy Director & Deputy State CIO of the State of California revealed and validated a government approach to the current emerging enterprise infrastructure in bringing innovation, simplicity and secure access to the end users. DC consolidation initiative This is the global trend now in most of the enterprise world where… Read more California emulating the approach to adopt the industry trends of enterprise world