Farhan Farooqui

Posts by Farhan Farooqui

Elements of Cyber Warfare: Examining The Way Forward

by on July 28, 2017 10:49 am
Introduction From the Morris worm in 1988 to the 2017 presidential election, cyber intrusions and attacks have become common place in contemporary society. This is in large part due to our increasing reliance upon technology and computing to build and maintain our social, political and financial infrastructures. A single exploit into a government database or… Read more Elements of Cyber Warfare: Examining The Way Forward

Social Networks and Employment – A Valid Data Point for Recruitment Today?

by on July 21, 2017 11:39 am
Introduction From the earliest carrier pigeon systems to contemporary telecommunication channels, humans have always looked for innovative ways to speak to one another. In this pursuit, we have erased geographical boundaries and made communication virtually instantaneous. This is possible due to the creation of social media tools which let us engage in “social networking”. Online… Read more Social Networks and Employment – A Valid Data Point for Recruitment Today?

Digital Home Technology through the Cloud: Enabling Paradise or Potential Prison?

by on July 15, 2017 4:52 pm
“Alexa order my grocery list and add one bag of peanut M&Ms to it.” “Alexa, cancel my events for Tuesday and call an Uber for me in two hours.” With a few simple sentences, I had saved myself about 3 hours of work, allowing me to peacefully enjoy my breakfast as I prepared to pick… Read more Digital Home Technology through the Cloud: Enabling Paradise or Potential Prison?

High-Tech: Exploring Reg-Tech for the Cannabis Industry in CA

by on July 2, 2017 10:52 pm
This week our guest speaker, Chris Cruz, shared his experiences of being the Deputy Chief Intelligence Officer (CIO) of California. While most of his talk provided us an overview of the state’s priorities in modernizing their technology infrastructure, he did dedicate time to discuss the reg-tech (regulatory tech) approach to the burgeoning cannabis industry. More… Read more High-Tech: Exploring Reg-Tech for the Cannabis Industry in CA