Tag: jobs
Call It Robot, Call It CEO: Will AI Replace the C-Suite?
by Alberto Terrizzano on July 20, 2018 9:31 am
A hot topic these years is whether technology – mainly Artificial Intelligence (AI) – will decrease humans’ jobs, both blue collars roles – which are the most repetitive and mechanised – and managerial positions as well. Some people agree with that while others don’t. Everything starts from the definition of AI. It depends on who… Read more Call It Robot, Call It CEO: Will AI Replace the C-Suite?
Hello Digital Future, Are You Hiring?
by Will Murphy on July 28, 2017 8:29 am
The 9-to-5 work culture is dead, and everyone knows it. As Carl Camden, CEO of Kelly Services, stated that experience was a nice experiment; it lasted for 70 years and now it’s over. Camden and other executives participated at the Digital Future of Work Summit hosted by McKinsey Global Institute (MGI) and New York University’s… Read more Hello Digital Future, Are You Hiring?
Social Networks and Employment – A Valid Data Point for Recruitment Today?
by Farhan Farooqui on July 21, 2017 11:39 am
Introduction From the earliest carrier pigeon systems to contemporary telecommunication channels, humans have always looked for innovative ways to speak to one another. In this pursuit, we have erased geographical boundaries and made communication virtually instantaneous. This is possible due to the creation of social media tools which let us engage in “social networking”. Online… Read more Social Networks and Employment – A Valid Data Point for Recruitment Today?