Tag: AI
Hardware options for Machine/Deep Learning
by Gaurav Nakhare on July 31, 2017 11:12 am
With last Friday’s talks on Machine Learning (ML), it is clear that we are currently in a boom of ML and AI SaaS products (like Lark, and even Haystack TV). Many of these applications are hosted in public clouds with companies like Amazon, Google, and Microsoft Azure. The details of the hardware deployments are hidden… Read more Hardware options for Machine/Deep Learning
Could Artificial Intelligence be working purely for you and me?
by Kam Fung on July 31, 2017 11:01 am
Companies like Facebook, Google, Amazon, and IBM, have been recruiting top A.I. scholars and putting them in corporate research positions where they are allowed to publish academic papers and refine their studies. As these businesses invest heavily and gain some of the biggest minds in the field, some technologists have expressed concern that these technology… Read more Could Artificial Intelligence be working purely for you and me?
Reinforcement Learning
by Kyle Durfee on July 30, 2017 7:57 am
In the previous lecture professor Barreto gave an overview of artificial intelligence. The lecture encompassed a variety of techniques though one in particular seems to be increasingly prevalent in the media and peaked my interest, “reinforcement learning”.Having limited exposure to machine learning I wanted to learn more about how reinforcement learning works, what differentiates it… Read more Reinforcement Learning
The Limits and Possibilities of Artificial Intelligence
by Adeesh Goel on July 28, 2017 11:58 am
The term Artificial Intelligence is somewhat misleading as it conveys that machines have the power to possess “intelligence”, of the human kind, which is not perfectly accurate. While AI and Machine Learning systems have had immense success in finding patterns when they ingest significant chunks of data, this intelligence is not generalizable. Hence, the pattern… Read more The Limits and Possibilities of Artificial Intelligence
How is artificial intelligence used in social consumer apps?
by Alexandra Martel on July 27, 2017 11:33 pm
Artificial intelligence refers to “a broad set of methods, algorithms and technologies that make software ‘smart’ in a way that may seem human-like to an outside observer” (Lynne Parker, director of the division of Information and Intelligent Systems for the National Science Foundation). The buzzword Artificial Intelligence is actually an umbrella for many other concepts… Read more How is artificial intelligence used in social consumer apps?
Big Data and healthcare
by Rodrigo Monroy on July 27, 2017 2:01 pm
Data is being generated at a rapidly growing pace. IBM claims that 90% of the data in the world has been generated in the last two years, or in other words, 2.5 quintillion bytes of data are created every day [1]. This data holds a lot of value for many different industries, as it contains… Read more Big Data and healthcare
Applications of Machine Learning to the Finance Industry
by Adeesh Goel on July 21, 2017 11:37 am
Background: Being highly data-driven, finance is one of the initial industries that began applying data science methods to optimize functioning. Some of these applications include, optimizing the interest rate gap between the interest charged for loans, and the interest paid for deposits to maximize long-term profitability; or using machine learning to target the marketing of… Read more Applications of Machine Learning to the Finance Industry
The smart home is dumb… for now
by Will Murphy on July 21, 2017 10:17 am
The smart home movement, or lack there-of, has been a source of personal frustration. Luckily a quick internet search gives me mild comfort in knowing that I am not alone. Just read Adam Clarke Estes’ experience. Estes is a blogger for Gizmodo and shared his disappointment after whole-heartedly buying into the concept of the smart… Read more The smart home is dumb… for now
How Do We Control the Tigers?
by Foster Langsdorf on July 17, 2017 5:40 pm
Elon Musk came out at the National Governor’s Association meeting admonishing the audience that AI is “the biggest risk that we face as a civilization” (4). This strong sentiment expressed by the technological expert Elon Musk worries me about the potential dangers of AI. So what exactly is AI capable of? First of all, AI is… Read more How Do We Control the Tigers?
Driving Innovation: Corporations such as IBM have enabled access to their Cognitive Computing and AI algorithms
by Arshin Jain on July 14, 2017 12:01 pm
We all hear about the wonders AI and Cognitive Computing can bring to our lives, but how does this work? Do large corporations take responsibility to develop and research on potential applications? Thankfully, corporations such as IBM are allowing anyone to use their algorithms without publicly exposing the algorithms themselves. This access is provided through… Read more Driving Innovation: Corporations such as IBM have enabled access to their Cognitive Computing and AI algorithms