Tag: Quantum computing

Hic Sunt Dracones

by on July 19, 2018 4:32 pm
The Space Race started with an early lead by the Soviet Union, which managed to reach a stable orbit with the first ever artificial satellite, the Sputnik 1. This impressive achievement started the so-called “Sputnik Crisis” in the United States, as the West feared that the USSR had surpassed it in space-related technologies, which had obvious… Read more Hic Sunt Dracones

Demystifying Quantum Computing

by on July 19, 2018 12:30 pm
There are a lot of buzzwords in and around Silicon Valley these days – AI, machine learning, blockchain, crypto etc – but there’s one buzzword that could have a lasting impact on technology as a whole – quantum computing. The reason quantum computing is so exciting is because it’s a rare advance in hardware computing.… Read more Demystifying Quantum Computing

Accessing and Improving Latest Technologies through Cloud Services

by on July 13, 2018 3:18 am
Recently, cloud computing, the instantaneous access to applications, computational power, and data storage provided by cloud services through the internet with “pay-as-you-go pricing,” has been viewed more often as a business model for companies to optimize performance and cut down costs [1]. However, it could also be viewed as a method for scientists, engineers, and… Read more Accessing and Improving Latest Technologies through Cloud Services

AI & Quantum Computing: Where Technology Is Leading Us

by on July 8, 2018 6:07 pm
Technology has always played a key role in humans’ history, influencing significantly every aspect of our lives: how we interact, work, travel, and so forth. It is particularly true if we consider last 50 years, from the onset of the personal computer to the latest edition of smartphone. Let’s think about our daily routine: we… Read more AI & Quantum Computing: Where Technology Is Leading Us


by on July 8, 2018 1:38 pm
 [4] BBC “D-Wave: Is $15m machine a glimpse of future computing?” (20/5/2014)   “We’re at the dawn of the quantum-computing age, and it’s really up to us to execute.”, said Vern Brownell, the CEO of D-Wave systems. [1] Since the theory of quantum computer was suggested, many companies such as IBM, Microsoft and D-Wave have… Read more HOW DOES QUANTUM COMPUTER CHANGE BUSINESS?

Will you have your own Personal Quantum Computer (PqC) any time soon?

by on July 19, 2017 9:18 am
PCs In 1947, Howard Aiken an American engineer predicted that only six computers would be needed to satisfy the computing needs of the United States. Today over  73% of US adults own a desktop/laptop computer and the number of computers in the world continues to increase. Since the first personal computer was introduced by IBM… Read more Will you have your own Personal Quantum Computer (PqC) any time soon?

The Quantum Leap

by on July 15, 2017 1:11 pm
Quantum Gap During the presentation and class discussion with John Donovan of AT&T the topic of quantum computing and quantum networking was briefly addressed. It occurred to me that Jeff Welsler of IBM had also talked about quantum computing, and efforts to offer that capability to consumers via the cloud. As evidence by its prevalence… Read more The Quantum Leap

Quantum Computing: Understanding the qubit

by on July 14, 2017 11:05 am
Last Friday, Dr. Jeff Welser , Vice President of IBM research, came to class where he talked about IBM and their research program. In the end of his talk he addressed quantum computing (QQ) and quickly explained the idea and its applications. It was probably not the first time you heard about how powerfull QQ… Read more Quantum Computing: Understanding the qubit

Rethinking Computing Itself

by on July 14, 2017 7:58 am
“The fundamental building blocks of our world are quantum mechanical, if you look at a molecule, the reason molecules form and are stable is because of the interactions of these electron orbitals. Each calculation in there, each orbital, is a quantum mechanical calculation” Dario Gil, VP for science and solutions at IBM Research [4] Since… Read more Rethinking Computing Itself

An Introduction to Quantum Computing

by on July 13, 2017 6:35 pm
The traditional computer is made up of billions of transistors, which are turned on and off to store what is known as a ‘bit’. These bits are placed together in 8’s to form bytes, which are then packaged as kilobytes and so on. The more complex a command is the greater the number of bits… Read more An Introduction to Quantum Computing