Tag: patent
Patent Trolls & Impact on Innovation
by Colby Lopez on August 3, 2018 10:17 am
We often see graphs representing exponential increases in technology; These are often tied to technical quantitative data (how smart we are as a society & a benchmark for our progression). One of the areas of concern that threatens this innovation is patent trolls – per EFF “A patent troll uses patents as legal weapons, instead… Read more Patent Trolls & Impact on Innovation
Patent Wars
by Michaela Jamelska on July 27, 2017 11:45 am
This week I am bringing to our class of tech enthusiasts and curious minds a topic of patent war and its interesting cases. The patent is not so new term in the tech industry. Patent wars started a long time ago f.e. it was famous Abraham Graham Bell, who was accused of stealing and plagiarized the… Read more Patent Wars