Tag: Moore’s law
Thoughts on Moore’s Law
by Maximilian Mattern on July 8, 2018 8:30 pm
It has now been 53 years since Gordon E. Moore published a paper called “Cramming More Components onto Integrated Circuits”. [1] In it he stated that “The complexity for minimum component costs has increased at a rate of roughly a factor of two per year. Certainly, over the short term this rate can be expected… Read more Thoughts on Moore’s Law
Will you have your own Personal Quantum Computer (PqC) any time soon?
by Lana Hampicke on July 19, 2017 9:18 am
PCs In 1947, Howard Aiken an American engineer predicted that only six computers would be needed to satisfy the computing needs of the United States. Today over 73% of US adults own a desktop/laptop computer and the number of computers in the world continues to increase. Since the first personal computer was introduced by IBM… Read more Will you have your own Personal Quantum Computer (PqC) any time soon?
Internet of Vehicles: Groundbreaking trends transforming auto industry
by Ramdev Canadam Sunder Rao on July 18, 2017 12:16 am
With the truth of Moore’s law resurfacing time and again, latest advancements in fields like wireless telecommunication, digitization, automation, virtualization, and high speeds of the internet have paved way for Internet of Things (IoT) to gain grounds, which is impacting several aspects of our everyday life. IoT has already played a major role in many… Read more Internet of Vehicles: Groundbreaking trends transforming auto industry