Tag: leading trends
Cloud and collaboration. The perfect setting for an entrepreneur.
by salonig9 on July 13, 2018 1:23 am
What is the primary advantage of the cloud? Why do people use it? When there is such a big question of privacy of data attached to its usage, why more and more people are getting on it? These were the questions that came to my mind, an economics major, when I sat down to… Read more Cloud and collaboration. The perfect setting for an entrepreneur.
The Applications of IoT in Education
by Rahul Kalluri on July 21, 2017 11:55 am
Technology is everywhere! It has changed the way we live, learn and work. The plethora of data available on education and the development of new technologies has made us reconsider how students are taught and educational institutions are run. The way IoT in learning environments supports educators can influence how we as a society collaborate,… Read more The Applications of IoT in Education
What have been the leading investing trends in IT since 2000?
by Alexandra Martel on July 14, 2017 11:33 am
It is intriguing to see how throughout time we can identify some trends and patterns in the investments driven by Venture Capitalists, may it be in the form that they take or the sector that they are directed to. We hear everyday about Buzzwords such as Artificial Intelligence, Big Data or about this new ‘exploding sector’ of… Read more What have been the leading investing trends in IT since 2000?
Multi-cloud: The New Normal
by Rahul Kalluri on July 14, 2017 10:50 am
Mr.Carl Eschenbach of Sequoia Capital mentioned in his guest lecture about a Cloud OS that can move workloads around different clouds and also how AI can be used as a unique selling point for cloud vendors to differentiate themselves from their competition. This blog post will firstly give an overview of current cloud technologies then… Read more Multi-cloud: The New Normal