Tag: information technology

How AI will influence Supply Chain and Logistics ?

by on July 9, 2018 2:17 pm
Artificial intelligence (AI) now touches almost every industry and walk of life. Driverless cars are chauffeuring themselves through Pittsburgh’s roads, robots dominate the activity within Amazon’s warehouses, and increasingly sophisticated algorithms for demand planning and design have gone digital. Personalization and machine learning continue to improve customers’ experiences and open countless doors for the tech… Read more How AI will influence Supply Chain and Logistics ?

The Past, Present and Future of Cloud Computing

by on July 6, 2017 12:34 pm
Dr Daniel Barreto, in the first lecture, introduced the class to the various up and coming buzz words that are being used in information technology and shaping our future. Out of the various trends in information technology like machine learning, big data, artificial intelligence, etc, I found the most interesting to be cloud computing. To… Read more The Past, Present and Future of Cloud Computing