Tag: EV Vehicle

Cars will become commodity. Do we even need to own a car in the future?

by on August 4, 2017 11:06 am
The automobile industry is in the midst of innovation that is sure to come in the near future. Toyota and Mazda partnership announced Toyota just recently announced a partnership with Mazda to build new crossover models.  Also, they will work together to accelerate the development of electronic vehicles and connected vehicles.  Two great rivalries now… Read more Cars will become commodity. Do we even need to own a car in the future?

The Future of Transportation: Highways, Flyways or Personal Freedom

by on July 20, 2017 2:38 pm
Aging infrastructure, traffic congestion, and increase in population are creating problems in metropolitan areas. Transit authorities, startups, and established companies have entered a race to bring the next commuting technology to market. As we move into the future, flying cars, Hyperloop, self-driving cars, and drones are adding a new dimension to the future of transportation.… Read more The Future of Transportation: Highways, Flyways or Personal Freedom