Tag: Disney
Choosing the right business partner
by Lorena Cestelos on July 13, 2018 11:49 am
Starting a new business is always a challenge. It requires countless long hours and late nights, giving up on another job or career as well as your social life which leads to leaving friends or even significant others behind. Moreover, there are hundreds of decisions that are to be taken from which product or service… Read more Choosing the right business partner
Wireless Charging
by Helgi Hilmarsson on July 21, 2017 10:35 am
Last year I got my first bluetooth speaker. I kept it in my bathroom (of course) and it was really nice, no cables – no problems. Except of course when it ran out of batteries and I had to jump out of the shower and search for the cable all wet. With IoT and bluetooth… Read more Wireless Charging