Tag: Cloud
Cloud Sports...
by Vedant Jain on July 13, 2018 11:41 am
Data storage has long been an insatiable thirst for consumers and commercial enterprises alike. From a storage perspective, businesses and individuals wish to archive everything they possibly can. Rooms that were once filled with filing cabinets transformed into rooms full of hard drives. For the individual, the worn and torn scrapbook turned into the portable… Read more Cloud Sports...
Uploaded to the Cloud: The future may already be here
by Yu Ching Tan on July 13, 2018 11:24 am
Black Mirror episodes are enthralling for many reasons. One of those reasons is the manner in which they portray leading trends in technology, and the way they give us a glimpse of how things can go awfully wrong if mismanaged. One of the premises they rely fairly heavily on is the concept of uploading… Read more Uploaded to the Cloud: The future may already be here
Cloud Computing
by Stefan Schmitt on July 13, 2018 11:20 am
One issue that comes into mind for cloud computing is the future development of cloud computing and where innovation and advancements in technology will take it. The fact that it was none of the companies that “owned” the network that pioneered in cloud computing is remarkable. The network operators (e.g. AT&T, Comcast, Verizon in the… Read more Cloud Computing
Why China is taking over the cloud computing market
by Sebastian Gomez on July 13, 2018 10:08 am
You’d be wise to assume that the fastest growing cloud computing company is one of the big 3; Google, Amazon and Microsoft. Though they may operate the largest networks of data centers yet they are definitely not the fastest growing companies in the cloud computing segment. [1] That honor belongs to Chinese giant Alibaba, in… Read more Why China is taking over the cloud computing market
The Future of Cloud Computing
by Maximilian Mattern on July 13, 2018 9:50 am
In April 1964, IBM introduced the first Main Frame Computer called System 360. [1] Those computers, even though not to be compared to todays computers in terms of size and performance marked the beginning of the era of computing in which we are today. Another important Date was the 20 December 1990. That day, the… Read more The Future of Cloud Computing
Effect of medical technological advances on our society
by Dev Saraf on July 12, 2018 8:35 pm
Medicine has evolved in a very short time span, from ancient civilisation history of healing with the use of natural resources to the conduction of MRI and CTC scans in the modern day world. The evolution of medicine has by large had a severe impact in the increment of lifespan as well as easing pain… Read more Effect of medical technological advances on our society
A New Billow On The Horizon: Car Cloud Computing
by Alberto Terrizzano on July 12, 2018 5:18 pm
Cloud computing is the delivery of on-demand computing services over the internet on a pay-as-you-go basis. So, it is no longer necessary to build and own IT infrastructures, but simply rent them. This reduces overheads and complexity within an organization and for customers as well. Moreover, cloud computing can be split into three different models:… Read more A New Billow On The Horizon: Car Cloud Computing
The CIOs Dilemma
by Vamsi Krishna on July 12, 2018 4:24 pm
Introduction – “Necessity is the mother of invention” Our world is changing. Aging digital infrastructure, inadequate transportation monitoring & limited energy resources are will have a severe influence on how we live in the future. The only sparking news is that cloud computing is enabling access to massive amounts of data and computational power enabling us to… Read more The CIOs Dilemma
How 2018 Software is Different From 2004
by Adam Stiles on July 12, 2018 1:22 pm
During her presentation to class on Friday, Jetlore’s COO Montse Medina shared the story of how Jetlore got started, and specifically how software in 2018 is different from 2008. Her startup story remind me of my own. In 2004, I co-founded CollectiveTrust Solutions to develop anti-phishing technologies. I was coming off of five years building… Read more How 2018 Software is Different From 2004
The Future of Retail may be in the Cloud
by Claire Wang on July 11, 2018 8:58 pm
The retail industry has transformed significantly over the past few decades, and retailers are starting to understand that they cannot simply rely on traditional brick-and-mortar strategies. McKinsey consultant Stefan Niemeier explains, “[Business technology] will be a major change for traditional store-based retail. Consider a big-box format with a 35 percent gross margin and 3 percent… Read more The Future of Retail may be in the Cloud