VMs, Containers & Docker for noobies

by on July 14, 2017 11:59 am
Regardless if you’re a non-technical founder or a techie, you’ve probably at least heard about Docker, the world’s leading software container platform. For those who are confused right now, stay calm, I’ll explain everything in details in this blog article. In my last post, I explained why the data centers’ virtualization is game-changer for startup… Read more VMs, Containers & Docker for noobies

Own safe storage or outsource to the competition

by on July 14, 2017 11:59 am
As a fast growing company many startups use a large amount of data to run their businesses. Quickly, this market newborns have to figure out a way to easily storage all their costumer’s data and their own information. Usually, the company’s decisions makers are left with two choices: of whether they should spend their money… Read more Own safe storage or outsource to the competition

How Profitable Is The Venture Capital Business ?

by on July 14, 2017 11:53 am
The landscape of venture capital (VC) has significantly evolved over the past years, and the industry is in great shape. VCs have raised a tremendous amount of capital ready to be invested, startups are disrupting industries through cutting edge technologies, and the tech’ IPO market is improving. Carl Eschenbach, partner at Sequoia Capital, was quite… Read more How Profitable Is The Venture Capital Business ?

Blockchain - a New Game for Accounting and Auditing?

by on July 14, 2017 11:47 am
As described by Dr. Jeff Welser, “Blockchain is an emerging platform for transaction services that will fundamentally change the world of financial services.” Accounting Blockchain acts as an indispensable ledger, a canonical source of truth. The current accounting practice is one where companies keep their financial records in private ledgers and rely on accountants to… Read more Blockchain - a New Game for Accounting and Auditing?

Google’s AI: From DeepMind to One Model

by on July 14, 2017 11:37 am
One of the most memorable events in AI history was IBM’s Deep Blue beating chess champion Garry Kasparov. In March 2016 history was rewritten as Google’s AlphaGo beat Go master Lee Sedol, then in May 2017 beating Go champion Ke Jie. Although AlphaGo’s win was all over the news and reached many people with its… Read more Google’s AI: From DeepMind to One Model

What have been the leading investing trends in IT since 2000?

by on July 14, 2017 11:33 am
It is intriguing to see how throughout time we can identify some trends and patterns in the investments driven by Venture Capitalists, may it be in the form that they take or the sector that they are directed to. We hear everyday about Buzzwords such as Artificial Intelligence, Big Data or about this new ‘exploding sector’ of… Read more What have been the leading investing trends in IT since 2000?

AI: Cloud, Edge or Hybrid?

by on July 14, 2017 11:23 am
One of the biggest trends in technology (and the world!) right now is Artificial Intelligence, especially Deep Learning.  Availability of huge quantities of data, data storage and processing power at low cost, algorithm innovation and the availability of AI toolkits like Caffe, Torch and TensorFlow have all contributed to the explosive adoption of AI in… Read more AI: Cloud, Edge or Hybrid?

Cloud Breach, the costs associated with a counter measures

by on July 14, 2017 11:09 am
For the past two weeks, we have learned the power and efficiency of cloud computing.  There is no question that Cloud service such as SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS enormously impacted our daily lives as well as business, but at the same, it is worthwhile to understand the risks associated with the convenience. July 12, 2017,… Read more Cloud Breach, the costs associated with a counter measures

Quantum Computing: Understanding the qubit

by on July 14, 2017 11:05 am
Last Friday, Dr. Jeff Welser , Vice President of IBM research, came to class where he talked about IBM and their research program. In the end of his talk he addressed quantum computing (QQ) and quickly explained the idea and its applications. It was probably not the first time you heard about how powerfull QQ… Read more Quantum Computing: Understanding the qubit

The Rise of Blockchain and Cryptocurrency

by on July 14, 2017 11:02 am
Blockchain technology seems to be the buzzword of this day and age. During his presentation, Dr. Jeff Welser (VP and Lab Director at IBM Research) briefly mentioned “Block chain as an emerging platform for transaction services that will fundamentally change the world of financial services” This got me really curious about the core features of… Read more The Rise of Blockchain and Cryptocurrency