Category: Week3

How AI is helping our planet.

by on July 20, 2018 2:03 am
It’s easy for us land-dwellers to forget just how vital the oceans are. They cover about 71 percent of the Earth’s surface and account for 91 percent of its living space. The oceans are where life began and our species has been linked to it ever since. Let’s talk about an organisation that is using… Read more How AI is helping our planet.


by on July 19, 2018 11:29 pm
BLUF (Bottom Line Up Front) Your AI projects can fail due to a lack of true and business-minded data scientists Your AI projects can fail due to a lack of a vocal C-level advocate Your AI projects can fail due to a lack of dedicated resources. Your AI projects can fail due to detractors working… Read more DREAMING OF THE AI-DRIVEN ENTERPRISE

Artificial Intelligence, Cloud, Mobile Devices and Networks

by on July 19, 2018 11:16 pm
A key takeaway from Jeff Welser’s (Vice President and Lab Director, IBM Research) presentation is that we are creating data at twice the speed than bandwidth in our networks. Large parts of Big Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence (AI) products and services today have been built using the resources of cloud computing. According to  Craig Martell… Read more Artificial Intelligence, Cloud, Mobile Devices and Networks

Two Cents on AI in Healthcare

by on July 19, 2018 11:09 pm
Thanks to the emerging of AI, huge progresses have been made in the past decades in healthcare industry. Not only we can see people surging into this area for the scientific advances, but also infinite business opportunities. Let’s take a look at the numbers: [1] – According to venture capital firm Rock Health, 121 health AI… Read more Two Cents on AI in Healthcare

Military Drone latencies

by on July 19, 2018 7:32 pm
The near future in the aviation industry looks to be one hundred percent autonomous. There are already current military systems that are able to control and navigate autonomous systems from nearby bases and unmanned aerial vehicles that possess the power to access remote areas to conduct search operations, deliver potential packages, supply raw materials, scan earth… Read more Military Drone latencies

Public perception of artificial intelligence

by on July 19, 2018 7:28 pm
As is the case with anything new, it can be difficult for the general public to trust new technology, especially when they can’t fully comprehend how it works. Over the past several decades, more and more of the inner workings of technology are becoming hidden “in the box” – in other words, it’s now harder… Read more Public perception of artificial intelligence

Blockchain 2.0, Blockchain + IoT

by on July 19, 2018 6:47 pm
Blockchain Past, Now, Future Blockchain’s origin was as the base technology that supported Bitcoin. It comes from Bitcoin, but it is more than Bitcoin. Bitcoin is a very successful application built on Blockchain technology. Started in 2009, Blockchain has evolved in three phases. Blockchain 1.0 (past, now):     digital currency, like bitcoin, litecoin, dogecoin, OKcoin… Read more Blockchain 2.0, Blockchain + IoT

Hic Sunt Dracones

by on July 19, 2018 4:32 pm
The Space Race started with an early lead by the Soviet Union, which managed to reach a stable orbit with the first ever artificial satellite, the Sputnik 1. This impressive achievement started the so-called “Sputnik Crisis” in the United States, as the West feared that the USSR had surpassed it in space-related technologies, which had obvious… Read more Hic Sunt Dracones

Drawbacks of Deep Learning

by on July 19, 2018 3:40 pm
In order to solve a problem, deep learning enables machines to mirror the human brain by making use of artificial neural networks. These networks are known to run a variety of applications such as speech recognition devices like Siri and Neuro-Linguistic Programming. Deep learning has hence been recognized as one of the major research areas… Read more Drawbacks of Deep Learning

True or False.

by on July 19, 2018 2:40 pm
Last week, our guest speaker Craig Martell spoke of how AI is exaggerated in movies and is highly unlikely to come in the form of the Terminator or Skynet taking over control of your vehicle and driving it off the road. In reality, AI is just advanced statistics, using algorithms like logistic regression and xgboost… Read more True or False.