Category: Week2
The Future of Retail may be in the Cloud
by Claire Wang on July 11, 2018 8:58 pm
The retail industry has transformed significantly over the past few decades, and retailers are starting to understand that they cannot simply rely on traditional brick-and-mortar strategies. McKinsey consultant Stefan Niemeier explains, “[Business technology] will be a major change for traditional store-based retail. Consider a big-box format with a 35 percent gross margin and 3 percent… Read more The Future of Retail may be in the Cloud
How cloud computing contributes to autonomous driving - a thought experiment.
by David Meyer on July 11, 2018 6:41 pm
During his guest lecture at Stanford University, Dean Paron (Microsoft Azure) mentioned a fascinating argument about the importance of cloud computing which stayed present in my mind until now: The amount of data generated by an autonomous car is so high that cloud computing is one of the enablement factors which make autonomous driving in… Read more How cloud computing contributes to autonomous driving - a thought experiment.
The Leverage of Bare Metal for Oracle Cloud
by Hailun Yang on July 11, 2018 2:47 pm
On year 2016, Oracle announced its Bare Metal Cloud as the company’s next-generation offering. Later Bare Metal Cloud got renamed into Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI), to be differentiated from Oracle’s existing 1st generation of cloud service offering, which is called Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Classic (OCI-C). Since then, OCI is under heavy development by talents acquired from other top cloud… Read more The Leverage of Bare Metal for Oracle Cloud
Microsoft's New Age of Cloud Computing
by elauren on July 11, 2018 11:17 am
During Dean Parson’s talk on Azure last Friday, he showed a video demonstrating “the evolution of Microsoft.” I was expecting to hear about Microsoft’s shift towards cloud computing under CEO Satya Nadella’s direction. Instead we watched a circa 1990s video about Microsoft’s technology, which showed by contrast how advanced our technology is today. Before showing… Read more Microsoft's New Age of Cloud Computing
Your Cloud Data is Safe...Right?
by Young Wu on July 11, 2018 10:49 am
Last Friday Mr. Paron spoke to us about some of Microsoft’s developments in the cloud computing field. One of the areas he touched on was the security present at the data centers–multiple layers of biometrics, tall fences, scanners, and other methods to protect its customers’ data. These security features are quite impressive, and would protect… Read more Your Cloud Data is Safe...Right?
Blockchain and Roadblocks
by Giacomo Pastorella on July 10, 2018 10:12 am
While the rest of the world seems disillusioned by cryptocurrencies, all in the red after the frenzy of the last months of 2017, it seems that Bitcoin found an improbable adopter in the people of Venezuela. But first, let’s take a look at the troubled history of Venezuela’s fiat currency. The current fiat currency of… Read more Blockchain and Roadblocks
Amazon’s Cloud Computing
by spak7 on July 9, 2018 3:56 pm
Amazon’s cloud services were created in 2006 as a side project, but as of 2016 made $10B of revenue, holding 30% of the cloud marketspace [1]. The origins of their cloud business goes back to the early 2000s when they wanted to create a service called to help brick and mortar companies like Target… Read more Amazon’s Cloud Computing
How AI will influence Supply Chain and Logistics ?
by Anush Lakshmanan Vellayan on July 9, 2018 2:17 pm
Artificial intelligence (AI) now touches almost every industry and walk of life. Driverless cars are chauffeuring themselves through Pittsburgh’s roads, robots dominate the activity within Amazon’s warehouses, and increasingly sophisticated algorithms for demand planning and design have gone digital. Personalization and machine learning continue to improve customers’ experiences and open countless doors for the tech… Read more How AI will influence Supply Chain and Logistics ?
4th IR Technology for Global Health and Development
by jacobd3 on July 8, 2018 11:27 pm
The 4th industrial revolution is here. Artificial intelligence, IoT, and blockchain are transforming global health and development. In alignment with sustainable development Goal, 3 and 8 increasing economic inclusion translates into good health and wellbeing for all. Application of AI, BC and IoT technology can be applied across epidemiological data governance, healthcare financing and medical… Read more 4th IR Technology for Global Health and Development