Commonalities and differences in Apple's and Google's announcements

by on July 6, 2018 10:00 am
A great way to see the upcoming trends in technology is to see what the big players in the business are doing, in this case I’ll compare how Apple and Google see the future of technology by analyzing their announcements at their developer conferences. Developer conferences are a big deal nowadays, some time ago there… Read more Commonalities and differences in Apple's and Google's announcements

Apple WWDC

by on July 13, 2017 9:30 pm
Apple’s WWDC began with an inspirational message to its audience that the world is counting on individuals to create apps and Apple’s new products will be there to aid the effort along the way. This WWDC was based on the developments in Apple’s four platforms: iOS, tvOS, watchOS, macOS.  What I found most interesting was… Read more Apple WWDC

Two Tech Behemoths, Two Different Approaches

by on July 7, 2017 8:18 am
The way users interact with computers has steadily evolved over time and is arguably on the cusp of another inflection point. Our relationship and interaction with computing took-off with the advent of the keyboard, mouse and graphical user interface (GUI). It then shifted towards mobile with the introduction of the multi-touch screen. In an AI… Read more Two Tech Behemoths, Two Different Approaches