Tag: machine learning

Hardware options for Machine/Deep Learning

by on July 31, 2017 11:12 am
With last Friday’s talks on Machine Learning (ML), it is clear that we are currently in a boom of ML and AI SaaS products (like Lark, and even Haystack TV). Many of these applications are hosted in public clouds with companies like Amazon, Google, and Microsoft Azure. The details of the hardware deployments are hidden… Read more Hardware options for Machine/Deep Learning

Could Artificial Intelligence be working purely for you and me?

by on July 31, 2017 11:01 am
Companies like Facebook, Google, Amazon, and IBM, have been recruiting top A.I. scholars and putting them in corporate research positions where they are allowed to publish academic papers and refine their studies. As these businesses invest heavily and gain some of the biggest minds in the field, some technologists have expressed concern that these technology… Read more Could Artificial Intelligence be working purely for you and me?

The Building Blocks of ML

by on July 31, 2017 1:53 am
Introduction to Machine Learning Machine learning is the science of giving computers the ability to learn without being explicitly programmed. We are exposed to machine learning daily in our lives through applications such as Google searches, speech recognition and self-parking cars even without being aware of it [1]. However, machine learning is a field that… Read more The Building Blocks of ML

Pattern recognition and machine learning: computers as children?

by on July 30, 2017 11:24 am
Picture 1: Pattern recognition & learning. (source: Linda Liukas http://www.helloruby.com/about) Our present preferences rely on the accumulation of our past experiences (Bargh & Morsella, 2008). Psychologists propose that these experiences are stored in our memory not as separate events or incidents, but as an enormous amount of neuronal cells encoded into complex patterns (Dijksterhuis &… Read more Pattern recognition and machine learning: computers as children?

Machine Learning in Pharmaceuticals, and Genomics Research

by on July 29, 2017 11:46 pm
Introduction Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning have become common mechanisms used in Pharmaceuticals, Healthcare and Genomics research to analyze large stores of data (Big Data). As intelligent algorithms parse these Big Data stores using Natural Language Processing (NLP), Sentiment and Cognitive API’s making use of AI and ML, scientists in the Pharmaceutical, Healthcare and Genomics… Read more Machine Learning in Pharmaceuticals, and Genomics Research

The Limits and Possibilities of Artificial Intelligence

by on July 28, 2017 11:58 am
The term Artificial Intelligence is somewhat misleading as it conveys that machines have the power to possess “intelligence”, of the human kind, which is not perfectly accurate. While AI and Machine Learning systems have had immense success in finding patterns when they ingest significant chunks of data, this intelligence is not generalizable. Hence, the pattern… Read more The Limits and Possibilities of Artificial Intelligence

Automation of Cyber Security

by on July 28, 2017 10:36 am
In 2016, more than half a billion personal records were lost or stolen and data breaches are increasing at 85% a year [1]. As technology integrates deeper into our lives, the better it will know us. This means it keeps collecting data about us, even data we might not want to share or become public.… Read more Automation of Cyber Security

Emotion recognition for good or evil?

by on July 28, 2017 8:46 am
In the 1970s Paul Ekman pioneered the study of facial expressions by creating a catalog of more than 5,000 muscle movements to show how expressions reveal hidden emotions (1). Today AI and machine learning teach machines to understand and react to our emotions. Vaish and Kumari defines emotion as “a psycho-physiological process triggered by conscious… Read more Emotion recognition for good or evil?

Sensor Data and Mars-Drilling

by on July 27, 2017 7:47 pm
Introduction Drilling is anticipated be an important activity in the future exploration of Mars. Its primary motivation will be to allow the exploration of the subsurface of Mars, in particular to search for, and eventually study, life on Mars. The scientific value by acquiring in situ samples for analysis is one of the primarily objective… Read more Sensor Data and Mars-Drilling

Big Data Is a Big Deal

by on July 26, 2017 8:51 pm
We have been collecting, combining and analyzing data for decades now and slowly as technology is advancing, big data analytics is becoming more and more useful. Big data analytics plays a big role in my life personally and continues to make it better everyday. I had been dealing with chronic foot pain since 11 years… Read more Big Data Is a Big Deal