Tag: Big Data
Cyber Security
by Dev Saraf on July 24, 2018 11:48 am
Cyber threat refers to a person who attempts to gain access into a computer system or information without proper authorisation by the use of a data communication pathway. Cyber threats are no unknown devil in the 21st century, private information being shared and leaked around the world is now normal, armies of countries and companies… Read more Cyber Security
A Map-Reduce Example
by Adam Stiles on July 23, 2018 9:39 am
As a part of his presentation this week on Big Data, Srijan Kumar covered Map Reduce as a strategy for processing large datasets in a highly parallel environment. In previous weeks on this blog, I’ve covered a startup I co-founded in 2004 and discussed how things have changed in leading IT trends. This week, I’ll… Read more A Map-Reduce Example
Is A/B Testing Ethical?
by elauren on July 22, 2018 3:32 pm
In undergrad, I took a course called Data 100: Principles and Techniques of Data Science. One day we had a guest lecturer, who is a PhD student in the Statistics Department. He opened by asking us a question: “Have you ever been involved in a Silicon Valley experiment?” One or two people raised their hands.… Read more Is A/B Testing Ethical?
How Big Data is driving the auto industry
by Prachi Jain on July 22, 2018 12:19 pm
Times are definitely changing when it comes to the transportation industry. Powered by big data, AI and the internet of things, our transportation system is poised to become more efficient and smarter [1]. Some hot topics include self-driving cars, autonomous trucks, connected cars, remote controlled cargo ships, etc. Even though we haven’t yet achieved a… Read more How Big Data is driving the auto industry
Using Big Data to Fight Credit Card Fraud
by Claire Wang on July 21, 2018 4:56 pm
According to research payments group Javelin, 15.4 million consumers experienced identity theft or fraud in 2016, amounting to more than $16 billion worth of theft.[1] As fraudulent credit card purchases grow, the onus is on credit card and payments companies to take action: the Fair Credit Billing Act states that credit card owners are liable… Read more Using Big Data to Fight Credit Card Fraud
How essential is big data analytics gonna be in manufacturing ?
by Anush Lakshmanan Vellayan on July 20, 2018 1:32 pm
As manufacturing businesses are increasingly on the lookout for opportunities to boost automation, it is clear that big data and machine learning are set to revolutionize the future of production. Companies are already collecting huge amounts of data from various resources, including industrial machinery, and monitoring precise details of the production process in the hope… Read more How essential is big data analytics gonna be in manufacturing ?
Artificial Intelligence, Cloud, Mobile Devices and Networks
by Stefan Schmitt on July 19, 2018 11:16 pm
A key takeaway from Jeff Welser’s (Vice President and Lab Director, IBM Research) presentation is that we are creating data at twice the speed than bandwidth in our networks. Large parts of Big Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence (AI) products and services today have been built using the resources of cloud computing. According to Craig Martell… Read more Artificial Intelligence, Cloud, Mobile Devices and Networks
Military Drone latencies
by Dev Saraf on July 19, 2018 7:32 pm
The near future in the aviation industry looks to be one hundred percent autonomous. There are already current military systems that are able to control and navigate autonomous systems from nearby bases and unmanned aerial vehicles that possess the power to access remote areas to conduct search operations, deliver potential packages, supply raw materials, scan earth… Read more Military Drone latencies
Hic Sunt Dracones
by Giacomo Pastorella on July 19, 2018 4:32 pm
The Space Race started with an early lead by the Soviet Union, which managed to reach a stable orbit with the first ever artificial satellite, the Sputnik 1. This impressive achievement started the so-called “Sputnik Crisis” in the United States, as the West feared that the USSR had surpassed it in space-related technologies, which had obvious… Read more Hic Sunt Dracones
Deep Learning: The best "new" technique from the 20th century
by Jorge Garcia Mesa on July 17, 2018 11:46 pm
If you look anywhere in Silicon Valley and many places around the world, it is hard to avoid the poster child that is artificial intelligence. There is good reason for the hype. The techniques that fall under the umbrella that is artificial intelligence (AI) have been able to do some incredible things. As a child I watched a… Read more Deep Learning: The best "new" technique from the 20th century