Tag: social networks

How is artificial intelligence used in social consumer apps?

by on July 27, 2017 11:33 pm
Artificial intelligence refers to “a broad set of methods, algorithms and technologies that make software ‘smart’ in a way that may seem human-like to an outside observer” (Lynne Parker, director of the division of Information and Intelligent Systems for the National Science Foundation). The buzzword Artificial Intelligence is actually an umbrella for many other concepts… Read more How is artificial intelligence used in social consumer apps?

Cybersecurity spring cleaning!

by on July 26, 2017 9:56 am
Cybersecurity is like exercise, we all know we should be doing more of it but most of us do the bare minimum. Guilty! Almost every single one of our speakers to date touched upon a different angle of information cybersecurity. Each underlined the importance of it – from the Government and public service obligation perspective,… Read more Cybersecurity spring cleaning!

Social Networks and Employment – A Valid Data Point for Recruitment Today?

by on July 21, 2017 11:39 am
Introduction From the earliest carrier pigeon systems to contemporary telecommunication channels, humans have always looked for innovative ways to speak to one another. In this pursuit, we have erased geographical boundaries and made communication virtually instantaneous. This is possible due to the creation of social media tools which let us engage in “social networking”. Online… Read more Social Networks and Employment – A Valid Data Point for Recruitment Today?

Can California collect our personal data from Tech Giants?

by on July 6, 2017 11:02 pm
I often hear friends complain about the unknown usage of the data that they sprinkle everywhere – while casting a like, pin, swipe, heart (…) – on the most addictive messaging, social or dating apps. A majority of my surroundings thinks that this information should only be theirs, while they spread it frivolously to the… Read more Can California collect our personal data from Tech Giants?