Tag: human resource management

Effect of medical technological advances on our society

by on July 12, 2018 8:35 pm
Medicine has evolved in a very short time span, from ancient civilisation history of healing with the use of natural resources to the conduction of MRI and CTC scans in the modern day world. The evolution of medicine has by large had a severe impact in the increment of lifespan as well as easing pain… Read more Effect of medical technological advances on our society

Social Networks and Employment – A Valid Data Point for Recruitment Today?

by on July 21, 2017 11:39 am
Introduction From the earliest carrier pigeon systems to contemporary telecommunication channels, humans have always looked for innovative ways to speak to one another. In this pursuit, we have erased geographical boundaries and made communication virtually instantaneous. This is possible due to the creation of social media tools which let us engage in “social networking”. Online… Read more Social Networks and Employment – A Valid Data Point for Recruitment Today?