Tag: Automation

Industries and Jobs Ripe for Disruption

by on July 9, 2018 7:21 am
Technologies disrupt the old and the new. Even those aware of new technologies and competitors are disrupted. This is true for companies, industries, and job fields (or collectively ‘Markets’). In this post, I want to explore a) types of disruption, b) determinants of disruptions, and c) markets primed for future disruption. Types of Disruption There… Read more Industries and Jobs Ripe for Disruption

Would Artificial Intelligence threaten human progress?

by on July 8, 2018 1:40 pm
Many people argue that the evolution of AI would inevitably lead to the downfall of man – it’s inventors.  In contrast to the natural inherent intelligence as portrayed by humans and other animals artificial intelligence is that which is demonstrated by machines through software’s that are designed by humans to process tasks and services that… Read more Would Artificial Intelligence threaten human progress?

Fleets of Automated Vehicles in 2020?

by on July 6, 2018 8:46 pm
During Carl Eschenback’s talk last Friday, he discussed the major tech trends of the 20th century. In the 1960s it was semiconductors, 1970s systems, and moving forward to the 2010s the mobile boom. The question on his and everyone’s minds is: What’s the next tech trend? My hypothesis is what Lyft’s co-founder, John Zimmer, calls… Read more Fleets of Automated Vehicles in 2020?

Automating the World

by on July 4, 2018 1:23 pm
Last year I met professor Jerry Kaplan, from Stanford, who published his new books on AIs (AI: a guide to the near future [1] and We don’t need people [2]) with my University. In a short, one-hour lecture, he managed to paint a very good overview of where AIs are now and in what directions they will… Read more Automating the World

Dr. Watson, I presume? Augmenting healthcare with AI

by on August 3, 2017 2:58 pm
Health is one of the most precious assets that humans have over their lives. Yet, it can be something that is overlooked for a long time and only given attention when the first symptoms of a disease arise. The general discussion on healthcare is shifting from sick care to preventive medicine where future illnesses are… Read more Dr. Watson, I presume? Augmenting healthcare with AI

Five Thoughts on Analytics, AI and Automation

by on August 1, 2017 3:24 pm
Companies that leverage analytics and AI to make data driven decisions have a significant competitive advantage over their peers. [1] The flywheel effects of digital platforms are creating dominant players that are not only transforming their core business, but are also launching new businesses in adjacent categories. At the center of the platform is the… Read more Five Thoughts on Analytics, AI and Automation

Automation of Cyber Security

by on July 28, 2017 10:36 am
In 2016, more than half a billion personal records were lost or stolen and data breaches are increasing at 85% a year [1]. As technology integrates deeper into our lives, the better it will know us. This means it keeps collecting data about us, even data we might not want to share or become public.… Read more Automation of Cyber Security

Will Cloud Computing Make the Benefits of Artificial General Intelligence Accessible to Everyone?

by on July 12, 2017 2:22 pm
Artificial intelligence plays an increasingly important role in our daily lives. Almost all smart phones are equipped with intelligent personal assistants, hospitals use computer vision to make more accurate diagnoses, customer service and sales representatives are being replaced with machines, and companies such as Amazon predict the product that you will buy next. So far,… Read more Will Cloud Computing Make the Benefits of Artificial General Intelligence Accessible to Everyone?

AI and Automation to Claim Public Sector Jobs in the Future

by on July 7, 2017 1:06 am
There are over 340 California state agencies employing over 200,000 people full-time. Monthly, this equates to over $1.8B in gross wages (http://sco.ca.gov/ppsd_empinfo_demo.html). California, along with many other states in the country, constantly struggle to balance annual budgets while minimizing budget deficit. The obvious question arises of whether artificial intelligence and automation will claim public sector jobs… Read more AI and Automation to Claim Public Sector Jobs in the Future