
Posts by jacobd3

Lucius Fox, The Dark Knight, The Panopticon Penitentiary and The Democratic Geneva Convention. Same Same but not all that different.

by on November 5, 2018 5:24 pm
Fact: Your body sheds 50 million skin cells every day in homeostatic conditions. Fact: An American adult will spend up to 11 hours per day engaging in watching, reading, listening or simply interacting with media on a daily basis. Our dermis carries in it our DNA telling a story of our epigenetic environment. Similarly, the… Read more Lucius Fox, The Dark Knight, The Panopticon Penitentiary and The Democratic Geneva Convention. Same Same but not all that different.

Artificial Confucius Intelligence.

by on August 14, 2018 10:45 pm
Let’s consider for a moment the liberal international order and for a moment western liberal democracy (WLD). WLD has undergone a few ‘ali’ like punches in the form of globalization and the oncoming flood of the 4th industrial revolution. A collectivist mentality to those left of center and interconnectedness as a result of the smartphone… Read more Artificial Confucius Intelligence.

Plato's Republic of Blockchain. Re-tooling Lincoln's vision.

by on July 28, 2018 6:23 pm
Lincoln’s fabled quote: “Government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the Earth” could never have contended the reality it does in 2018 all over the world. Democracy is in peril. Trust as the currency of governance has lost its value in a world where demagoguery wins the day.… Read more Plato's Republic of Blockchain. Re-tooling Lincoln's vision.

Welcome to Main Street. The new Corporate America

by on July 20, 2018 11:50 pm
It’s timely to think about the Future of Work. The noise is increasing. We require variant skills, knowledge, and experience to remain professionally relevant. Creativity I would argue is perhaps the most necessary trait in Industry 4.0. Jobs, stated the mission of Apple to build beautiful products. As only an artist who studied calligraphy in… Read more Welcome to Main Street. The new Corporate America

Cruising Altitude 30 000 Ft. Please fasten your seatbelt. Welcome to the cloud !

by on July 13, 2018 1:19 pm
Cloud computing is defined as the ability to automate a network of distributed servers held on the internet. In so doing it seeks to reduce the cost, increase the speed and increase the reliability of product/service delivery. According to the McKinsey Global Institute(MGI) the adoption private to public cloud platforms is gathering tremendous pace which… Read more Cruising Altitude 30 000 Ft. Please fasten your seatbelt. Welcome to the cloud !

4th IR Technology for Global Health and Development

by on July 8, 2018 11:27 pm
The 4th industrial revolution is here. Artificial intelligence, IoT, and blockchain are transforming global health and development. In alignment with sustainable development Goal, 3 and 8 increasing economic inclusion translates into good health and wellbeing for all. Application of AI, BC and IoT technology can be applied across epidemiological data governance, healthcare financing and medical… Read more 4th IR Technology for Global Health and Development